Internal Fear



This random guy reached out to me after stumbling across some of my older releases. His name’s Evan and we instantly hit it off due to our love of similar music and a similar view of the world. We united forces to see how our sounds could potentially mesh together and thought it’d be fun to do a back and forth collab project. I think he started it and then I sent it back and quickly we realized that it would take awhile. Our operating systems are different and he uses a different version of Ableton Live than I do, (the digital audio workstation that we use), so we had to get crafty…

I downloaded the older version and then we tried again, but with the different OS we had to opt for an even more time-consuming option. we needed to export each track individually and send them back and forth, then stich the song back together, add our elements, then re-export the new tracks and start it all over again.

Prior to this collab, I’ve tried working with other producers, but we haven’t ever been able to solidify a product and release anything. It’s because of these technical difficulties, flakiness, and busy schedules that it is so hard to do a collab remotely.

Despite our programs not being too compatible and it took lots of back and forth of downloading stems and stitching this song together bit by bit, we persevered and put together this song all in divine timing. And through that long process of back and forth, Evan and I got to become quite good friends, and as of writing this we haven’t even met in person yet, but we continue to connect and plan on raving soon. We are so similar in a lot of ways and we are excited to explore the sonic possibilities.

Evan is currently working on his DJ side of his brand curating beautiful dance worthy sets that’ll make your head bang one moment and have you cry a moment later. I know that with his work ethic and poise, he’ll be sure to be throwing some big shows one day. I can’t wait to see him thrive and spread his light. Be sure to follow his journey as we keep moving forward.

May we continue to grow and unite this community with beautiful music and memories.


Track 3


Track 5