Why Turkey?

I hope that you will indulge in a little imaginative storytelling with me.

A tale of a brave soul that unites creatures from all walks of life through the power of music to bring new meaning to Thanksgiving Day. 

When my siblings and I were all growing up, my dad would make up stories about this super cool turkey named Thomas. I know, not exactly original… But, with the captivating stories and journeys that Thomas would take, I realize now that my dad saved his imagination for the character development and didn't waste any time on the mundane details like names and such. Perhaps that’s wishful thinking though and he was just too tired to think up something unique ha-ha. So, during these sugar rush holidays, he’d imagine these really funny and inspiring stories ranging from Christmas to Easter all the way to Halloween and so on until me and my noisy brothers would finally get to bed.

Anyway, with Thanksgiving Day here, I wanted to take a brief moment to be grateful for those memories that I shared with my family. I found a lot of peace in listening to my dad’s voice and feeling his creative energy streaming through him. I'm very grateful for those times when my dad united my siblings in wonderment because story time was always a magical time and I aim to share some of that magic with you to redefine this controversial holiday—Thanksgiving. (I’ve never been a fan of Thanksgiving and I’m glad that society is starting to come around).

Take some time to love the ones that mean the most to you and be grateful for all that you have. Let’s remember to embrace diversity and try our best to take ownership for the tainted past of our American ancestors. I’m forming tears in my eyes just thinking about how different this country would be if we started out in peace and didn’t take more than we need. Around the entire world, greed and fear dominate, but me, just a guy from Denver, CO aim to explore how to overcome them in this short story.

Snuggle in, because this story is meant to be read before bedtime… and if you're on the toilet avoiding work right now, then fine, just don't get too sleepy!

Once upon a time,

On a cold and fateful Thanksgiving eve night, there lived a courageous and musically gifted turkey named Thomas. He comes from a musical bread of turkey that tastes extra delicious. He and his friends all know that they are soon to be devoured. Thomas was not like any other turkey though; he had a burning desire to save himself and his fellow turkeys from being eaten on the most treacherous day of all — Thanksgiving.

Thomas had been held captive the whole year being tormented and tortured with terrible music and bad food from the guards. His prison guards insisted that they were helping fatten him up for the big day and make sure he was in the best possible mood with their music. Thomas and his friends didn’t like the music though because it was the same holiday music on repeat. drummer boy after drummer boy Determined to break free from this cruel fate, Thomas embarked on a magical musical tour and went about asking who was brave enough to join him.

With a song in his heart and hope in his wings, he set out to gather a band of extraordinary individuals who would help him save his kind from their impending doom of being eaten while their predators listened to terrible music. He gathered the handful of his bravest friends, and they devised a plan to distract the guard with their actual beautiful melodies and then steal a key to sneak out later in the mask of night.

They all waited patiently for the time to escape and save their lives. The guards had come up to give them their nightly food to “fatten” them up and they had some drummer boy playing in the background that was supposed to make them want to dance. They forced themselves to dance with every ounce in their bodies and they all belted out in perfect harmony that would catch the guards by surprise. The guards started to drop their jaws and their eyes peeled wide open. They loved how well they added to their favorite Christmas song, and Thomas and his friends were succesfully getting the guards into a place that only really good music can... A place where nothing else matters and only the next note that graces their ears matters.

To Thomas and his friends surprise, they miraculously pulled it off when Thomas reached through the fence to grab the keys while all the guards and them were dancing and singing. After the song ended the guards went back to being stern and cold, and left the turkeys in their jail for the night. They said maybe they’d give us a little more food if they performed for us the next night. But Thomas knew there would never be another night he’d have to eat that terrible food or listen to the same song over and over again.

Once dusk had set in when everyone in the town would be fast asleep, Thomas woke up his friends and they all booked it straight for the trees. The headed west towards the mountains and never looked back. As Thomas ventured through the enchanted forest with his friends, he discovered a world filled with unique and talented creatures. There was no fear or any threat, for him and his friends were greeted with open arms. They felt as if mother nature reached out and held them through this journey. Every creature was a creative and sensitive soul that was eager to help Thomas and his friends mission.

They met a wise owl named Olivia, who mesmerized people with her melodic piano playing. A mischievous raccoon named Robbie, who could play the guitar with a masterful combination of all the legendary rock stars. And they met a rhythmic squirrel named Sammy, who tapped away on a pair of acorn drums with soulful beats that truly made Thomas and his friends want to dance. Like really wanna dance, they were all having so much fun jamming together in the forest. But they were missing one final piece until they came across a gentle and soulful rabbit named Ruby, who possessed the most enchanting voice that could sail on top of the harmonies of Thomas and his friends were laying down.

Together, Thomas, the other turkeys and his newfound friends formed a band that could heal the world with the power of music. They stayed in this beautiful forest practicing and perfecting their musical craft for years. Their harmonies echoed through the air year after year before they finally felt ready. So on one Thanksgiving eve, when their music could no longer be contained within their hidden sanctuary, Thomas and his band decided it was time to share their gift with the world.

With hearts filled with hope, they returned to their village. Thomas was peering over the last hill and saw the guards gathering the turkeys towards the slaughter house. He wasn’t surprised to be hearing the same music still playing and looked over to the main courtyard where tables were filled with sides and plates ready for the innocent turkeys of this year’s feast. Thomas knew that he and the band had to quickly get down there before the Turkey ceremony would begin.

As Thomas and his friends took their places on a makeshift stage at the top of the hill, they began to play. Sammy the squirrel started tapping out a trance like beat that faded through the homes of the village. Thomas and his friends began laying down their perfect harmonies and then the rest of the band starting joining in. The people began to hear these chords that pulled them closer to where they’re coming from, they left their homes and started to walk towards the hill. The enchanting voices of the choir started to pierce through the hearts of the people and at that moment Ruby began singing her verses. Preaching to the people about the importance of acceptance and unity. The melodies that flowed from their instruments and voices entranced the crowd, breaking barriers and melting hearts. The village was transformed as people of all races, genders, beliefs, and backgrounds joined together, united by the power of music.

Right as the song ended, the entire village was around the stage and everyone was questioning why they had to separate the Turkeys from them and make such a big deal about killing and eating them. In that magical moment, the true meaning of Thanksgiving was redefined. It was no longer just a day to indulge in a feast and be grateful for bounty, but a day to celebrate diversity, unity, and love. The village renamed the day to Turkey Day, and it became a day that acknowledged the importance of every creature, promoting gratitude for all walks of life. Thomas's dream had come true, and he couldn't be prouder. Alongside his turkey friends, who had escaped with him, Thomas united not only with humans but with all the forest creatures. From that day forward, the enchanted forest resonated with music, love, and harmony, celebrating the true spirit of Thanksgiving.

As the years pass, families gather around their tables not to eat turkeys, but to honor the beauty of diversity, to remember Thomas and his band, and to give thanks for the power of unity through music. They always have a big concert before the feast and they eat from the land because in their hearts, they knew that as long as there was music, love, and gratitude, the world would always remain a better place. You can find the band now playing at the top of the hill sharing their talents with the village.

The end.

Alrighty, if you’re still reading… good for you. I’m sure your brain enjoyed the workout!

LOVE, GRATITUDE, & RESPECT are the driving forces of light. May we all come together in harmony to find a way to break down the barriers that fear and greed have set up for us. Continue your journey and never lose sight of what matters most to your heart. It takes a lot of self-work to be able to listen to our intuition, but if we learn to trust in our inner child, then we can do anything. We can spread light in a way that brings people together like never before. Laugh and connect with your family and friends, take care of your neighbors and take care of your community. We all need each other right now.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. May we unite together and spend time with the ones that we love the most. Since it’s important to foster the relationships that give back meaning in our lives, I’m spending time in the mountains with my partner, Arielle. Since staying in the moment and finding peace are so important to us, we are taking a step back from our chaotic lives. It’ll be very refreshing to not have to coach tennis or look at a computer screen all day. We’ll be recharged and ready to be with our families for December and spread lots of holiday cheer.

No matter our circumstances, let’s all try and channel in that holiday spirit to spread the most love that we possibly can!

Thank you for joining me on this wild ride, and until next time,



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