Let’s Run Away

Some big releases are on the way.

Let’s learn more about my E.P. teaser that’s set to come out on December 29th, 2023.

Well, first off. I’d like to thank you for reading these blogs. It’s been very therapeutic for me to write and share my thoughts in a more external and vulnerable way. It’s really helped my creative process especially. Every time I write a blog I get to stop and reflect which is essential in the creative process. Being creative is just as much being manic with tons of expressive thoughts, as it is being quiet and at peace with the present moment. Writing really helps quiet my mind and focus in on one thing. It’s like when I coach tennis, it’s so helpful for my mind because I have to zone into the task at hand unless I may be smacked by a ball or miss a pointer I’d be able to give. I’ve been able to learn more about myself while sharing with these blog posts. It zones me into my craft and passion while I reflect on who I am and what I want this Dossas project to entail.

In a future blog post I’ll go in more detail about the E.P. but it’s essentially a project summing up the past few years of my musical journey and how music has helped me traverse a very emotional path that has been very healing. The song that drops first is the most recent production that I’ve made for the E.P. because it best encapsulates my current mood. I’ve bottled up a lot in my life and I feel like taking the cap off to finally let myself be me. Be unapologetically me and hopefully, just maybe, I can inspire someone else to be bold. Because I hope to build a community where we can all push each other to never give up and to never lose sight of the greater purpose of uniting and loving one another.

Essentially, when I’m producing a new song, I’m running away from my day-to-day responsibilities. I’m running away from all of the pain and anger that has boiled up throughout the day or week. I bring the feelings to the surface and lose myself in music. Sometimes I make a song that night. And sometimes I make a pile of shit that no one will ever hear.

This track ‘Let’s Run Away’ symbolizes the moment when I make the decision that I’m going to do something because it is imperative to my survival. Like music is important to my mental and emotional health, so if I don’t find a way to fit it into my life, then what’s the point of life for me? No, seriously? What’s the point of waking up everyday if I don’t utilize my gifts and give everything to my passion? I know if you like to play it safe then you’d love to tell me how starting a family and working towards a respectable career would be far more honorable than being an electronic musician. But for me to enjoy life, I have to utilize my gifts on a daily basis, otherwise I lose all meaning. So yes, I’m running away from what society might want from me, but at the end of the day I’m running towards something that I desperately need. As you will learn more and more about me, music is the one constant in my life and I’m so grateful for all of the amazing people, moments and memories it’s brought. I’ve truly learned to love life because of the way music can make me feel. Not everyone might resonant in the same way, regardless though, we can all relate in our own passions. So do what makes you most happy whenever it’s something that doesn’t harm others or yourself.

I want you to be able to escape and live a life in your best way. Whatever makes you most happy, run TOWARDS it.

My E.P. ‘Dystopia Mode’ has a journey within it of overcoming great obstacles to achieve happiness. Finding what you need to run towards is the first piece to solving the great puzzle of mental health. For me, I had to run away and leave my pride and fear far behind. For where I want to run to, there is no room for pride or fear. I will be courageous and brave as I journey through this industry and capture my dreams. I will be humble and be a servant to everyone that comes across my path. I wish spread light and love to everyone who encounters the Dossas brand so we can all inspire a positive community. I want all of us to keep growing to make new strides towards our goals. Always keep running and moving forward, we can do this!

I hope you enjoy the new tune!

Thank you for joining me on this wild ride, and until next time,



Happy Holidays


I’m a Pianist for a Week